by Laura Lund


There is a wildness in my soul. 


Sometimes I wonder if the 

Drumming beat inside 

Is beckoning me to dance 

Or to howl 

Or to run away from man-made meanings. 


All I know is- 


My heart beats out the message: 

You don’t belong to stuff and etiquette, 

But to wind, dragonflies, leaves, robins 

And all living things 

That dance and sing 

With Mystery. 


A mystery sensed as sacred and 

Yet as natural as 

Feeling wet in rain. 


Sometimes my heart and legs 

Are restless 

And want to celebrate 

The stardust that created me 

And connects me  

To all living things. 



Sometimes my heart and legs 

Want to soften and still, 

To sense the largeness

And the intimacy of a mystery 

We can never fully understand, 

But could spend a lifetime 



I am savage and stillness. 

Wildness and wonder. 

Action and Awe. 

I am of the earth, air, and sea. 

Yet I will never truly  

Know how it is to be anything,  

Not even  

What it means to be me.