Fall 2023

Failure, Nostalgia and Loathing

Failure, Nostalgia and Loathing

By Moe Khojasteh Lakelayeh Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is an American movie directed by Terry Gilliam in 1998 based on a novel with the same name written by Hunter S. Thompson in 1971. The movie was not financially successful after its release in 1999; however, it...

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Footprints in the Sand:

Footprints in the Sand:

What it Means to Have the Privilege of History in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things By McKenzie Twine The privilege of history is a common issue that arises in colonized countries like India. To hold on to and create personal history is something many people in...

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Last Night at the Palm Royal

Last Night at the Palm Royal

By Emma Hamilton Everything was blue. The cracked patio chairs, the palms in pots in the corner, the smooth ladder on the far side of the pool. Even the crumbly old motel in the background took on the blueness from the pool’s ultra-strong LED lighting. And Ellen was...

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Forgotten Room

Forgotten Room

By Haylee Wilkie Charles sat at his desk peering through the double-sided glass. He sipped his coffee in an attempt to shake off the lingering pull of sleep. He straightened his back and pulled his attention forward. He hit the large red button in front of him and the...

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Things No Longer Needed

Things No Longer Needed

By Jordan Upton The rain beat down steady, the same as it had for days. Heavy grey clouds cast a pall over town. Great flat plains that once grew tobacco turned to mud pits. Mobile homes which already had leaky roofs and slumped, saggy floors grew more leaky, slumped,...

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The Importance of Being Average

The Importance of Being Average

By Steve Zwilling Kay got an award for fourth-grade spelling bee champion, there were earnest-looking parents — clean, bright faces, ready smiles, the knowing and glowing types. At the reception, I got around and behind the table, and stepped over a brick planter, but...

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Paracosma, Part 1

Paracosma, Part 1

By Susannah Murphine   Paracosm, n: a detailed imaginary world, or fantasy world, involving humans and/or animals, or perhaps even fantasy or alien creations. When Elway Harisson got fed up with movie studios botching the casting of their adaptations of his...

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